This page describes how we handle your personal data when you visit this website.
This official privacy policy statement is also provided to comply with article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (the Personal Data Protection Code).
This policy applies only for CADITECH S.r.l.’s website and not for any other websites to which it may link. The policy is also based on Recommendation no. 2/2001 adopted on 17 May 2001 by the European personal-data protection authorities, meeting as the Working Party on Protection of Individuals established under article 29 of Directive 95/46/EC. The Recommendation sets out some basic requirements for protecting personal data collected online. In particular, it states the procedures and timescales plus the kind of information that data controllers must give you when you connect to webpages for whatever reason.

When you use this website, data about identified or identifiable people may be processed.
The data controller is CADITECH S.r.l. of Genoa.

The data processing for this website’s web services takes place at CADITECH S.r.l.’s headquarters, as above. Data is processed only by staff from the office responsible for processing the data or by people doing occasional maintenance work. No data from the web service is disclosed or released. The personal data that you give when you ask for information about CADITECH S.r.l.’s activities is used only to provide the service requested. We pass your data on to third parties only when strictly necessary to that end.

Website-use data
During their normal operation, the information systems and software procedures used to run this website gather various personal-data items and send them to us as an inevitable result of communicating via Internet. When we collect this information, our aim is not to associate it with identified people. By its nature, however, it could potentially be used – by processing it and linking it with data held by third parties – to identify you. This type of data includes: the IP addresses or domain names of computers that you use when visiting the website; URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested; the time of the request; the method used to send the request to the server; the size of the file obtained in response; the numeric code for the response status from the server (success, error, etc.); and other parameters about your operating system and computing environment.
This data is used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on use of the website and to check that it is working properly; the data is deleted immediately after being processed. Unless used to investigate responsibility for any cybercrimes that damage the website, the web-contact data is currently removed after at most seven days.

Data that you provide voluntarily
If you voluntarily and explicitly choose to send an email to the addresses stated in this website, then we obtain your email address, which we need in order to reply, and any personal data included in the message. Specific summary notices will progressively be shown or displayed on the website pages provided for particular services on request.

See our Cookie Policy.

Except as stated above for the website-use data, you may choose whether to give us your personal data in the contact form or when contacting our office to request information or other messages. Without this data, however, it may be impossible to give you want you wanted.

CADITECH S.r.l. handles your personal data via automated tools for as long as is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which we obtained it.
We follow specific security measures to prevent data loss, unlawful or improper uses, and unauthorized access.

Under article 7 of the Personal Data Protection Code, if personal data about you is held, then you are entitled at any time to know whether or not data about you exists, to be told what is in it and where it came from, to check it for accuracy, and to ask for it to be added to, updated or corrected.
That article gives you the right to have data deleted, anonymized or frozen if processed unlawfully. In any event, you can also object, for legitimate reasons, to your data being processed. To exercise those rights, contact CADITECH S.r.l. via email at

This privacy policy can be read automatically from the latest browsers that implement the P3P standard (“Platform for Privacy Preferences Project”) from the World Wide Web Consortium (

Ogni sforzo verrà fatto per rendere il più possibile interoperabili le funzionalità di questo sito con i meccanismi di controllo automatico della privacy disponibili in alcuni prodotti utilizzati dagli utenti.

We shall make every effort to ensure that this website is as interoperable as possible with the automatic privacy-control mechanisms provided in some products that users may use.
Please note that the automatic control mechanisms are not currently 100% error-free. Therefore, this document – this website’s “Privacy Policy”, published at – may be subject to change. The various versions will be available to read at the same address.

Soluzioni integrate CAD.I.TECH

CAD.I.TECH fornisce soluzioni
integrate che incrementano
l’efficacia e la produttività dei
servizi di ingegneria delle
aziende clienti.


CAD Integration Technology S.r.l.
Corso Andrea Podestà, 12/1 – 16128 Genova (Italy)
tel +39 010 362 62 66
+39 010 869 59 04
fax +39 010 362 62 67
C.C.I.A.A. 28644/1998
P.IVA e C.F. 03724700103


CAD.I.TECH utilizza la
metodologia AGILE – SCRUM
per lo sviluppo del software e
l’organizzazione del proprio
team di lavoro.

Credits – Privacy Policy